We are blessed and honored to share with you our devotion and calling God placed on our lives. From a very young age, Asenette and I had the blessing of being raised in Christian homes where God’s Word was pivotal and became our solid foundation for life. In making our decision to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, our personal journeys began in the Lord. Since we are both originally from Texas, Kingsville and Georgetown are the cities where we grew up
and served at our local home church, until the age of young adults. During our college years and ministerial career path, we maintained committed to serving God and our church with faithful, active service in the areas of youth leadership and music ministry. God was already orchestrating everything; He was preparing and developing us individually for what He had purposed for our lives. In spite of
our hometowns being 4 1/2 hours apart, our paths first crossed during a summer Youth Camp in Sandia, Texas, where we first met. It wasn’t until two years later, I saw her again, I know it was only God who divinely made our paths cross for a second time. While serving as President at a national level with Youth United for Christ UPLCI, I was scheduled to minister at Asenette’s local church during a youth service. I saw her there that evening and had the pleasure of greeting her at the end of the service. This time our encounter marked the beginning of our
lifelong friendship and love. After three years of our long-distance dating
relationship and engagement, we united in marriage. On July 24th,1993, our love
story and ministry began....Together as One.
Until that time, I traveled evangelizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; visited many ministries within our nation, and took one International Mission Trip to Valparaiso, Chile, while serving as Youth President. I also had the privilege of ministering through music, along with my brothers, at our home church and served for five years as leader of our Christian musical band; Trio Castillo & Co. Furthermore, in my commitment to my calling, I completed my first two years as Associate Pastor there at my local church in Georgetown, Tx, where I had the honor of serving alongside my father.
After getting married, Asenette and I faithfully pursued our ministerial calling and served together for two years as Associate Pastors of El Buen Pastor in Georgetown, Texas. Then in 1995, God called us to full-time ministry as Senior Pastors of Templo Bethel Pentecostes in Austin, Texas; where we served for eight years. After completing our mission there, God lead us to establish a bilingual ministry, Iglesia Vino Nuevo, in Del Valle, Texas; where we served for twelve years as Senior Pastors. During the following three years, we maintained prayerful for God’s continual guidance and besides our jobs dedicated ourselves to serving our family and extended family with spiritual support. Asenette and I are very grateful to the Lord for entrusting us and taking us on this amazing journey, together in ministry. We can truly say, “In our lives and ministry, God has faithfully revealed Himself and confirmed His Word daily as we’ve experienced and witnessed His Presence, His Supernatural Power, His amazing Love and unfailing Faithfulness.”
In June of 2018, God led us to visit a church near our community; a bilingual ministry where our children as teens connected with a powerful Youth Ministry for their spiritual growth. This is key and very important to us. As parents, we were blessed to see our teens involved and receiving spiritual edification for their lives. In the first two years of our faithful attendance to Sinai, Pastor Ramos extended us the opportunity to serve in several areas of ministry while using our gifts and talents to minister and bless God’s people. It was with God’s anointing and grace we carried out each assignment as the Spirit of the Lord led. Together we were blessed and honored to serve with our Pastor.
In February of 2022, we could only be prepared for what followed by remaining in the will of God. After four years of faithful attendance and service, through divine appointment, Pastor Ramos passed us the Pastoral Torch and entrusted us to carry forth the ministry. In receiving confirmation from God, we humbly and boldly responded to the call. On March 26th, during our Installation Service, we stepped into Faith with God’s favor; ready to serve as the new Senior Pastors of Templo Sinai Church. In that ordained moment, we were honored to receive the prayer of blessing and the welcome of the remnant, alongside the Pastors and Trustees of the Assemblies of God in the Texas Louisiana Hispanic Network.
Since the very beginning of our ministry to the present day, we obey God and trust Him with the results. We have not ceased to believe God’s Word in our lives and for His people. Faithfully and fervently we stand representing our Almighty God and declaring His Truth to all generations. Together we take heart as advocates for Christ in the Center of Marriage, the Family, and God’s House. God has called us for such a time as this to continue reaching a multicultural generation in need of Him. Only with His Anointing and Favor do we go forth building and enriching God’s Kingdom. His plan faithfully unfolds before our eyes; His promise…just as He said He would.. And just as sure as we are of who God Is and certain of Christ’s return, the Spirit of the Lord guides us and moves in a most tangible and powerful way; transforming the Souls….bringing them to conviction for Repentance, Salvation, Deliverance, Healing, and Restoration to the Body of Christ!
Our Ultimate joy is serving God together while leading His people closer to Him; equipping every believer with God’s Word for spiritual maturity, and as His humble servants being participants with God as declared in Isaiah 61: 1-4…”To Preach the Good News and Proclaim the Favor of the Lord.”
We have been made Free… Free to Live in the Spirit!
God Is Always Faithful! To God Be All the Honor and Glory Forever!…Dios Siempre Es Fiel! A Dios Sea Toda la Honra Y Gloria Por Siempre!
Pastor Jacinto & Asenette Castillo