Pastor Manuel & Sarah Ramos
Pastors Manuel and Sarah Ramos, founders of Templo Monte Sinai in Austin, Texas, began the ministry in their home in 1978. Pastors Ramos were in ministry for over 40 years, leading countless people to Christ while developing pastors, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries that have been impactful globally. Under their ministry, was a young couple, as well, who went on to work for the President of the United States. Since the beginning, the heart of their ministry had been to help people from all economic, social, and ethnic backgrounds. Throughout their years, they saw the Hand of God move mightily; lives being transformed and God performing miracles through their prayers and intercession. It was their continued hope to engage, equip, and empower people with the Life of Jesus Christ.
The Pastors would be the first to tell you, they were nothing without God and gave Him all the honor and glory. Pastors Ramos came from humble beginnings that didn’t indicate what great things God was going to do, or where He was going to take them. The Pastors were recognized in the city, state, and national level for their work in the community and received a letter from the U.S. President recognizing their service. From the beginning, God’s hand and favor was on them and they never looked back since.
Pastor Ramos was one of the first pastors to build not only one, but two church buildings from the ground up. The first church was constructed in 1980, followed by a 12-room annex in 1981. In 1983, he began construction of one of the largest buildings in East Austin. Pastor Ramos was recognized locally for taking on this large building project in one of the more challenging economic and social parts of town. The church, located on Riverside Dr., was completed in 1987 on Easter Sunday.
The Pastors continuously dared to believe that anything is possible with Christ. Despite the challenges, brokenness, and the testing of faith that comes in ministry, their resolve in God never failed. They, like Job, proclaimed “though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.” God never failed them and they knew He never would; their love for God burned stronger and brighter every day.
In their 70’s, saving their biggest project for last, they found themselves in the middle of the construction of their third facility. This venue sits on 25 acres of beautiful land and scenery. The vision continues to not only host weekly services, but to also host concerts, conferences, and events to impact Austin and beyond.
The goal hasn’t changed since the beginning. Trust God and share the most wonderful story ever told – Jesus and the Cross; for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!